0141 204 0345
Open 7 Days 9.00am - 6.00pm
Your Shopping Bag
Tramp Lingerie 70 Howard street Glasgow G1 4EE
0141 204 0345
About Khusus.

Khusus (khoo-soos) Indonesian/Malay word meaning 'one of a kind'
That's what we offer our customers,exclusivity.
Today we live in a world of mass production so it is not unusual to see someone wearing the same coat/dress or carrying the same bag as ours. Nothing is exclusive unless you can afford a personal tailor or designer. However when you purchase a bag from Khusus for yourself (or as a gift), you are guaranteed its uniqueness, and best of all, at an affordable price. Nowhere in the world will there be another bag like it. It will be one that expresses your unique personality.
At Khusus, we use international designers' fabrics such as Michael Miller,Alexander Henry,Kaffe Fassett,Kokka, Kona Bay, Makower, Clarke and Clarke...
Look out for upcoming designs in Fairtrade fabrics.
We also welcome commission work.